In cooperation with

Anfield stadium Liverpool

The football pitch at Anfield had been in place for 15 years but the drainage and irrigation system had been in place since 1998. A change was long overdue. Liverpool FC sought the most advanced system to meet the requirements for a world class premier league team.

Liverpool, United Kingdom
Hewitt Sports Turf
Water capacity


Take a look at the Anfield stadium sports pitch in Liverpool:

We installed this innovative under pitch drainage and air blanket system which comprised a layer of 85 Permavoid units, laid on a welded reinforced impermeable membrane, protected by a heavy-duty geotextile. The Permavoid units provide a void through which surface water can rapidly drain and air can be blown through for soil aeration.

We place a high priority on creating solutions that meet the best sustainability standards.


What have we done:

There are eight sprinklers located on the pitch which are housed in bespoke irrigation chambers which had a membrane skirt to allow a watertight welded seal to the surrounding membrane. The working area was restricted within the stadium, so materials were transported in across the laid Permavoid blanket as works progressed using a lightweight, low load bearing, compact tractor.

The Permavoid units provide a void through which surface water can rapidly drain and air can be blown through for soil aeration.


Sports pitch System Natural and Hybrid grass

The Permavoid capillary irrigated sports subbase is a multifunctional climate resilient sports infrastructure component, providing essential ecosystem services for the city such as stormwater retention, capillary irrigation, plant evaporation and with that Urban Heat Island (UHI) reduction. But of course, turf quality, playability and compliance with governing sports bodies’ regulations remain priority. The system boosts many significantadvantages for construction, maintenance and the pitch’s carbon footprint. The shallow depth of 300 mm for the entire system, zero-energy natural capillary irrigation, reliable field drainage in rainstorms and circular water management by reusing rainwater for irrigation in a 100% recycled material system, are just a few of them. Permavoid for natural and hybrid grass sports pitches: capture, store, irrigate and grow.

See how we do Sport pitches

Inspiring projects

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Permavoid source control ensures that no precious water goes to waste by catching, storing and reusing stormwater for irrigation, evaporation and infiltration. Find your local Permavoid distributor here to learn more about the technology and become part of the international movement.