In cooperation with

TKI Project SmartRoof 2.0 

Project Smartroof 2.0 was constructed in 2017 and aimed at determining hydrological, thermal and biodiverse functioning of Blue-Green roof systems in the urban environment. 

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Gemeente Amsterdam, KWR Water Research Institute, Bureau Marineterrein
Water capacity
440m2 15.400 litres


Take a closer look at this project:

The Permavoid Blue-Green vegetated roof has been scientifically and independently tested against a conventional green roof system and a standard black bituminous roof.

Plants no longer experience the extreme wet-dry cycle in the soil that plants normally encounter on standard green roofs.


The most important results:

The average temperature difference between the measured standard black roof and the vegetated Blue-Green roof system is 40 degrees celsius on summerdays. And where the conventional green roof evaporated 18 litres of water per m2 in a period of 14 days, the Blue-Green roof system evaporated 42 litres of water per m2 in the same period. On top of that the Blue-Green roof kept enough heat out of the building to eliminate the need for air-conditioning. 

This project has produced results strongly supporting the development and inclusion of Blue-Green vegetated systems on excisting buildings and in new developments.

Inspiring projects

Multifunctional Roofs

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Permavoid source control ensures that no precious water goes to waste by catching, storing and reusing stormwater for irrigation, evaporation and infiltration. Find your local Permavoid distributor here to learn more about the technology and become part of the international movement.