Project Greensource

Playing sports provides important benefits for people all around the world, ranging from improvement in fitness and health to the development of team spirit and feelings of accomplishment. High quality sports pitches contribute to this by providing a safe and fun playground.

South Africa
Water capacity
4.000 m2 = 340.000 liter


How do we work towards innovations adressing water challenges?

During the FIFA World Cup hosted by South Africa in 2010, visiting engineers from the Netherlands identified the growing water problem. Back home they further researched, tested and then the field was ready for implementation in 2015. In the meantime we realised 17 GreenSource pitches via an exciting public-private partnership between top innovative companies from the Netherlands and Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Health improvement: healthy and fun to play, clean pottable water and improved sanitation


Benefits GreenSource system

We all need water to survive. Water is needed to prepare our food, to quench our thirst, and to maintain our hygiene. It's central to economic and social development and a requirement for healthy ecosystems. The global population and many economies are growing fast, and with that, the demand for fresh water increases. However the amount of available fresh water is limited and is projecte to be able to fulfill this demand. Add to this the ever more evident effects of climate change and it becomes clear that we have to think about how to better manage our water resources. 

"The good news is that although water is not renewable, it's reuable!" 


Safe water for everyone

The GreenSource system transforms a synthetic turf sports pitch into a rainwater catchment, storage, distribution and pottable water supply system. The system allows sports facilities to reuse stored water for irrigation and maintenance, and to transform it on-site to pottable water using membrane and ultra-filtration technology. This is of particular importance in areas where water shortages prevail or only polluted water is available. GreenSource creates an all-weather sports pitch with a safe water storage basin, which makes clean and safe water available for the whole community.


See how we do Sport pitches

Inspiring projects

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Permavoid source control ensures that no precious water goes to waste by catching, storing and reusing stormwater for irrigation, evaporation and infiltration. Find your local Permavoid distributor here to learn more about the technology and become part of the international movement.